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Happy Patient

Kris Dutchak SUN President 2025

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Lets Work Together
Safety, Innovation, Advocacy, Wellness



If elected as your union president, I will ensure that communication remains transparent and accessible. Every member will have my personal cell phone number and email, allowing you to reach out anytime you need assistance. I take pride in being available and supportive, especially during crucial times. Together, we can foster a strong and connected union.

Member Driven

It’s essential that all members feel fully engaged in the decision-making process within our union. My role will focus on bridging gaps and achieving the balance that our members have requested. Together, we can explore various ways to ensure everyone’s voice is heard, and I am committed to leading the necessary changes to foster this support. Let’s work together to strengthen our union and enhance member involvement

Service Centric

The union is dedicated to representing you in all employment-related matters. We recognize that nurses are increasingly encountering disciplinary issues with employers or regulatory bodies, and it's our priority to ensure that the services we provide to our members are exceptional. Your rights and well-being are our utmost concern, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Together, we can navigate these challenges effectively.


Operating Room

Our Cause

Kris Dutchak's 2025 is a campaign dedicated to advocating for the rights and well-being of registered nurses. His mission is to amplify the voices of nurses, address healthcare issues, and work towards a better future for the nursing profession.


​Saskatchewan is my home and where I have chosen to practice nursing for over 20 years. I am frustrated that registered nurses are working in unsafe environments and cannot practice safely.  Registered nurses can no longer be required to perform work violating their standards and competencies, due to the major challenges in the health system.  For those of you that know me, you know I am ready to take on this role and fight for every single nurse in this province.  Those who don’t know me, I can assure you will have a voice.  Registered nurses are the foundation of the health system, and we need every resource available to support safe registered nurse practice environments. The deterioration of our work environments must cease as patients deserve better.


I am committed to developing a strategy focused on investments in innovation, wellness initiatives, and employee safety. I have been employed in the emergency departments, long-term care, rural emergency/hospitals, primary care, and occupational health to fully comprehend and advocate for change based on the long-standing challenges in workplaces. In the past 15 years, these challenges have worsened. I have spoken to nurses across the province who are defeated, scared to go to work, feel like they are going to lose their license, suffering from post-traumatic stress/mental health issues, and exhausted from their job duties.  Our workplaces have become an occupational hazard, and this is not what most registered nurses have sought in a career.  My occupational education and experience enhances my ability to fight for a psychologically safe environment for all nurses. 


My mandate within the first 90 days will be to review the current government relationship with SUN to ensure nurses have a voice at the table. My leadership and experience in working with local organizations has given me a deep understanding of how to develop strategic relationships.  We must prioritize registered nurses’ concerns, partner on projects that result in safer practice, and increase staffing that will ultimately lead to better patient outcomes. 


I will be advocating for legislative nurse-to-patient ratios from day 1 if elected, to ensure the safety of all nurses/patients in this province. In addition, I will create a recruitment/retention working team that reviews all nurses that have retired, left the profession, work minimal casual hours, do not get full time work, or experienced employment loss to find ways to support these professionals back into safe work environments. I will collaborate and lobby our nursing educational institutions and the CRNS in examining student nurse licenses.  There are over 500 students that can be employed on the front lines to assist with care. We must be creative and help with recruitment/retention solutions.


I would to take this time to thank all the registered nurses for their work during covid as I know many of you have felt devalued, abandoned, and forced to work in unstable environments.  Its not "if" but "when" we will face another one of these dire situations, and I will do my best to make sure the covid efforts are well examined for where the system failed and ensure quality improvements measures are being considered for the future.



Blood Pressure Check

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Campaign Focus


My campaign focuses on supporting registered nurses through advocacy, education, innovation, creating occupational safe environments, and recruitment/retention initiatives. Join me in my efforts to create positive changes within the nursing profession.


Voice Amplification

Unions will advocate for the recognition of nurses' essential contributions to healthcare and support policies that prioritize their safety.


Strength in Unity

Empowering nurses with the resources and tools they need to excel in their roles is crucial. 


Continuous Learning

Continuous learning is key to professional growth. Unions provide educational opportunities and resources to help nurses stay informed, skilled, and confident in their practice.

Member Engagement

Building Connections

Strong unions are built on collaboration, teamwork and support. 

Worker with Ladder


  • Active member of the CRNS Discipline Committee since 2022.  I have collaborated with a team of registered nurses and lawyers in applying case laws principles.

  • ​Collaborated with Unifor 594 in fundraising more than $100,000 for men's health. 

  • ​Voted by my peers in accepting an award for exceptional employee of the year for my contributions during covid 

  • Director of Health Programs and Services for nonprofit organization delivering primary health care 

  • Advocated and planned better care for many new refugees that have entered Saskatchewan.  Worked in collaboration with Regina Open Door Society, Catholic Family services (now Rooted Connections), SHA, and Regina Immigrant women.

  • Successful completion of  3 year Occupational Health Nursing Certificate.

  • Successfully negotiated a new collective bargaining agreement in collaboration with CUPE local 1831.

  • 10 year involvement within the nursing educations programs in Saskatchewan, mentoring and leading nursing students.

  • Involved in the FCL vs Unifor 594 labor dispute that will go down in history as one of the longest lockouts in history.  

  • Involved in IAC regarding the Regina Emergency Department, and was successful in getting more full time positions for the frontlines.

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